Monday, November 15, 2021

My old choir director in the New Orleans area speaks through and now participates monitoring me in private saying I wasn't as cool as a baby and so am nothing, like it's some cute thing to say.

I can't believe the people monitoring me in private were so incompetent to work to end up squeezing this out of her.

People keep making a topic suggested by a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with seem like a big deal.

I'm upset if the lady is lesser to me than suggested or whatever.


I edited that post again.

People are speaking for a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with.  They are saying her fame is the reality and it's in great excess.. and what was supposed to be okay is not, though, so what was the point?  Did she enjoy it so far?


I edited my last post.


Am I supposed to feel uncomfortable some people get a little mad at me but they think they aren't because they are willing to talk to me?

EDIT: I'd like to find some "nicer" and better way to put it.